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Not possible to buy a contract with an Esim

Posts : 1
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Post 1 +6
07 août 2024

Not possible to buy a contract with an Esim

I tried to buy a Red 160 GO 5G with an esim.

During the process I have to pay 10 Euro per credit card - that produces the error :

Echec du paiement Cette transaction n'a pas pu aboutir. Veuillez contacter le service client SFR


I do not get an order id or any means how to contact the service.

I can login to the red by sfr page - the chatbot tells me to use the app. I can not login into the android app. There is no email address. I can not use the contact form without a customer number. Contact on twitter tells me they can not help me without an order id.

The page says all processes are digitalized - So how can I contact the service in an electronic way ?

Avatar de Asmae_M
Community Manager
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09 août 2024

Re: Not possible to buy a contract with an Esim

Bonjour @Horst et bienvenu(e) sur le forum d'entraide des clients R=D by SFR.

Je suis navrée pour les difficultés rencontrées.


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